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The single most effective video your business can have to be understood,
engage new customers, and make the perfect first impression 24/7.


Your most valuable branding asset.

Communicate your message in a way that resonates with your audience. This versatile video asset is hands down the most effective video any small business could have in their tool belt. It helps to build an emotional connection with customers in a way that text/images can’t.

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Make people fall in love before they call.


Your time is invaluable. That’s why your Brand Story is structured in a specific way to make your ideal customers fall in love with your business before you even get on a call or appointment for the first time. Sharing why you’re in business and how you do things uniquely in your market helps your video make the perfect first impression 24/7 on autopilot.

  • What is a custom video strategy? 📈
    A Custom Video Strategy is our program for supercharging your existing marketing funnel and sales system with engaging video assets created to use at the key conversion points for your prospects. These strategies typically include a combination of video assets, including a Brand Story Video, Customer Testimonial Videos, along with Process Videos, Service Videos, and “Checkpoint” Videos to keep your prospects engaged, educated, and comfortable all the way through working with you. We look at what you and your team are already doing, and consult on the most efficient ways to enhance your customer journey using videos created specifically for your processes.
  • How do I use it? 💻
    Our Custom Video Strategies are built specifically for your marketing funnel and sales system, based on what you’re already doing. Using your video assets should feel effortless. Some common uses include: “Next Steps” videos automatically sent to prospects when registering for calls / appointments “Introduction” videos sent to customers before a team member arrives for an appointment “Process” videos shown to prospects on registration pages to educate them on what to expect before committing to a call or appointment We work with you and your team to identify opportunities where videos can make the strongest positive impact in your customer journey.
  • Do I need this? 🙋🏻‍♀️
    If your business has no established marketing funnel or sales system in place, you probably don’t need a Custom Video Strategy. You might benefit more from a single specific video asset like a Brand Story Video, or Customer Testimonial Videos. If you have an established process for turning leads, referrals, or cold traffic into customers, you’d probably benefit from a Custom Video Strategy. If you’re on the fence, let’s have a conversation about it. If we feel you don’t need it, we’ll tell it to you straight.
  • Who's the target audience? 🙋🏻‍♀️
    Client testimonial videos are designed to influence and engage potential customers who are in the consideration or decision-making stage of their buying journey. These videos provide social proof, address concerns, and help potential customers envision the benefits and outcomes they can expect by choosing a particular product or service. Client testimonial videos are effective in nurturing prospects and leads, especially those who have already shown interest or interacted with your business in some way. These videos help build credibility, trust, and further validate the value proposition, encouraging prospects to move forward in the sales funnel. While primarily aimed at potential customers, client testimonial videos can also be valuable for existing customers. By showcasing positive experiences and success stories, these videos reinforce customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and encourage repeat business or referrals.
  • How can this help my business? 📈
    Your ideal customers likely have dozens of companies to choose from in your market or industry. Customer testimonial videos can help you make it clear to them that you’re the right choice. The thing is, most people have something holding them back from taking action and contacting you- an objection or hesitation that your existing clients likely had, too. Hearing from others with a similar story does more to build trust in the decision-making process than hearing directly from you. We created a framework to make our customer testimonial videos feel like recommendations from friends, rather than sales pitches from your business.
  • How can I use this video? 💻
    Customer testimonial videos do the heavy lifting of attracting the right clients, earning their trust quickly, and sharing the outcomes they can expect- all before getting on a call or into an appointment. We work with you to determine the key touch points in your marketing funnel and sales systems where adding customer testimonial videos will make the strongest positive impact on conversions. Besides featuring these videos on your website and social media, they can be used in a variety of more direct ways, like email campaigns, QR codes on print media, and quickly accessible social proof for your sales reps. Spend more time doing what you do best, and let the customer testimonial videos go to work for you.
  • What if I don't know which video I need?
    Before ever starting a video project, we make sure we understand how your business operates so we can recommend the videos that will make the most impact for you. All of the top video production companies will create what you want, but we like to stand out by thinking like a digital marketing company- we create what you need.
  • How much does it cost?
    We know the worst thing we can tell you is “it depends”, but it does. Our video production packages range in pricing and are custom tailored to your specific business goals. Schedule a Discovery Call with us to get a custom quote for your video project. Typically, investments for video projects start at $3,500.
  • How long does a video project take?
    From start to finish, most of our video projects with new clients take about 4 weeks to complete. For our clients with ongoing work or multiple videos per project, delivery typically happens much more quickly because we understand exactly what they need.
  • Can you make a video to promote my company?
    There’s a lot of ways to use video to promote your company. Our videos work best when we can build a strategy custom-fit for the way you do business. Schedule a Discovery Call and let’s figure out what we can build for you.
  • Can you help with video strategy?
    We specialize in crafting tailored video strategies. We analyze your business goals, target audience, and industry landscape to devise a comprehensive plan. From content creation to distribution, we ensure your videos resonate and achieve maximum impact. Whether it's brand videos, client testimonials, or social media content, we guide you through every step. Let's collaborate to create a video strategy that drives results and elevates your brand.
  • I edit my own videos. Will this work for me?
    If you're currently editing your own videos, kudos to you because you truly understand the importance and power of short-form videos. IgniteCuts services can still be valuable to you for two reasons: First, if you're new to editing, you may not be aware of all the industry standards and current trends to create compelling content, not to mention the hours it takes to master the craft. Second, for those who are experienced editors, you might find the daily task of editing videos to be a time-consuming task that takes you away from other important business responsibilities. IgniteCuts services can help you free up your time while still ensuring high-quality, engaging video content for your audience.
  • What is your turnaround time?
    We're committed to delivering our best work and meeting deadlines. We'll work closely with you to ensure your content gets the attention it deserves. Typically, you’ll see your first short-form content two workdays after your content gets submitted. Ex. If you submit your content by Sunday evening, you can expect your first video Tuesday.
  • What type of content do you edit?
    We specialize in repurposing your existing videos or creating new, short-form content (vertical video) tailored for social media platforms. To ensure that we can provide you with the maximum amount of content, all final videos are under 90 seconds in length. Please note that there are some editing services we do not offer, including edits longer than 90 seconds, adding voiceovers without a provided recording, animations/cartoons, wedding videos, music videos, vlogs, and full-length video podcast edits.
  • Do my videos roll over the next month?
    Please note that if you fail to upload all of the videos included in your subscription, they will not roll over to the next month.
  • Can you film the video too?
    Yes - that is our Impossible 2 Ignore service where we construct your content strategy, provide you talking points, film your content for ya in a 2 hour session & content is fully edited for you. Ask us in our initial call about availability for this service because it always books FAST!
  • What package is right for me?
    Both of our packages are designed to help businesses and brands increase their visibility and reach with their followers in a relevant way. If you're a growing business, consider our KICKSTART package for consistent, high-quality social media content. If you’re an organization with high demand for video content but don't have the resources for a dedicated video creator, our GROWTH package might be the right fit for you. This will allow you to focus on other priorities while still maintaining a strong content strategy to support your growth.
  • Can I cancel anytime?
    Yes, however we STRONGLY recommend investing a 3 month commitment to IGNITING a strong and flourishing marketing campaign.
  • What platforms will you assist on posting on?
    We have you covered! Our team will assist you in posting on the most popular social media platforms for short-form video content, including Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your content strategy without any worries about anything falling through the cracks.
  • Can I request revisions on my videos?
    With every video upload, you'll receive one free revision. This includes small changes like removing a clip or updating a graphic. (Spelling corrections do not count towards the revision count) However, if you require additional revisions, each one will incur a fee of $25.
  • 1. Pre-Production
    The key to a successful a video project is having a detailed plan. We’ll dive deep with you to learn all of the essentials about your business, story, and target audience.
  • Production
    In Video Production, having an end product that looks and sounds good is the baseline standard. Our goal is to make the production process as efficient and easy as possible so you’re confident and comfortable on camera.
  • Delivery
    We don’t want to just send you a video and say goodbye. We give you the tools to help you utilize the videos within your business.
  • How much does it cost?
    We know the worst thing we can tell you is “it depends”, but it does. A typical range for videos is $1800-$6000 depending on how large the project is and what type of video you need.
  • Who's the target audience? 🙋🏻‍♀️
    Not only is a Brand Story Video a powerful asset for attracting new customers, it's also a great tool to share with your existing clients, your team, and your network to remind them of what your company stands for (and why they should be referring to you). Anyone who needs to learn about your business and brand is the target audience for your Brand Story Video.
  • What is a Brand Story Video? 📈
    A Brand Story Video is a powerful marketing tool that enables companies to communicate their unique identity and values in a way that resonates with their audience. Unlike a traditional “promo video” or ad that focuses on selling products or services, the purpose of Brand Story Videos is to connect with customers emotionally and logically. These videos are specifically designed to showcase who you are, what you offer, why you do it and how you do it for your customers, in the ways that matter most to them. Imagine if you had a video that perfectly explains the way you do business. How much time would that save you from having to explain it to people over and over again?
  • Where do I use it? 💻
    The most effective places to share your video include your website, social media platforms, and embedded in your email signature. By sharing your video on your website, you can provide visitors with an engaging introduction to your brand and increase the time they spend on your site. Sharing your video on social media platforms can help you reach a wider audience and generate buzz around your brand. Finally, embedding your brand story video in your email signature is a simple but effective way to promote your brand and make a lasting impression on anyone you correspond with via email. We strategize with all of our clients on ways they can use their Brand Story Videos specific to their marketing funnels and sales systems.
  • Does the quality of the sermon matter?
    Most social media videos are shot on phones so you don't need expensive gear to create compelling content. The quality of your video is important, but it doesn't need to be over-the-top. We can work with any shots that are close to eye level with your pastor and you are able to understand what the pastor is saying.
  • Will this work if my pastor doesn't want to be too involved?
    Yes! Having your senior pastor active on social media is not only effective but also replicates the in-person gathering experience. However, some pastors may not have the time or skills required for social media. With Ignite Cinemas, your pastor can have a significant presence on social media without putting in any effort.
  • What is your turnaround time?
    We're committed to delivering our best work and meeting deadlines. We'll work closely with you to ensure your content gets the attention it deserves. Typically, you’ll see your first short form content two workdays after your weekly sermon gets submitted. Ex. If you submit your Sunday sermon by the evening, you can expect your first video Tuesday.
  • What platforms will you assist posting on?
    We have you covered! We can provide a fully done for you experience from Sermon Shorts creation to even posting on social media platforms. (at an additional cost) Our team will assist you in posting on the most popular social media platforms for short-form video content, including Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your content strategy without any worries about anything falling through the cracks.
  • How long does a video project take?
    Typically, from start to finish, a Brand Story Video project will take about 4 weeks to complete. This includes an introductory Deep Dive session to learn about your business, your Shoot Day(s), the editing process, and any necessary revisions. Other standalone video projects typically have a similar start-to-finish turnaround time. Projects that include the creation of multiple videos typically have a much faster per-video turnaround time because of our streamlined production processes.
  • Can you make a video to promote my company?
    We absolutely can! But before we ever press record, we need to know the who, what, why, and how of your company. There’s a lot of ways to use video to promote your company. Our videos work best when we can build a strategy custom-fit for the way you do business. The best way to figure out what videos we can make to promote your company is to start with a conversation. Schedule a Discovery Call and let’s figure out what we can build for you.
  • How much does video production cost?
    Like any service-based industry, video production costs vary based on the project. Our projects are designed to create evergreen video assets that will get clients an insane return on investment for 3-5 years at a minimum. We price our video production services to be a no-brainer investment at any point in our typical price range, whether that’s $5,000 or $20,000.

📖 Share Your Story

You’ve told your story hundreds of times. Now let’s capture it right once so it can be told 24/7 on autopilot.

🤝 Sales Tool

Your story is one of the most effective sales & marketing assets. Let’s capture it and share it at scale.

✨ Enjoy The Process

Get prospects excited to get onto calls or into appointments with you. Less persuading, more educating.

🙌 Get Better Customers

Attract more of your ideal customers, and repel the bad ones. Land more jobs with people who are the right fit.

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“I had a customer I was trying to sell gutters to email me if I could team her more about the Gutter Guards we use. I sent her the video Ignite Cinemas made for us and her response next was :

How do I get on your schedule!?”

Luke Mitchell 

Owner of Top Dog Home Pros


Common Uses for Brand Story Videos

Brand story videos are a versatile marketing tool that can be used in a variety of ways to engage with customers, build brand awareness, and differentiate your company.

Here are nine ways to get the most out of your brand story video:

💥  Website introduction

💥  Social media marketing

💥  Email signature


💥  Recruitment tool

💥  Service promotion

💥  Product launch


💥  Brand repositioning

💥  Investor pitch

💥  Media & PR



Boost your conversion rate up to 80%

Research has shown that including video on a website or landing page can improve conversion rates by up to 80%, as videos can capture the attention of viewers and convey information in a more engaging and memorable way than text alone.

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Brand Story Packages

Our custom-tailored video packages offer a powerful and efficient way to create engaging brand story videos that can help you stand out more easily.

📍 100% on-location

We pride ourselves on shooting our brand story videos on-location, to give viewers an authentic look at the experience of working with you.

🔍 Strategy Focused

Our approach is strategy-focused, ensuring that each video we create has a purpose in our clients’ existing marketing funnels and sales systems.

🎨 On-Brand Design

Our team ensures that every brand story video we create aligns with our clients' brand identity guidelines, values, and messaging.

✅ Scalable Projects

We’re ready to scale projects according to the goal at hand, big or small. Our goal is always to maximize your impact as efficiently as possible.

📈 Scalable packages that suit your needs.

💥  Multiple sizes  for web & social media

💥  Half day of on location shooting

💥  Pro level audio & lighting

💥  Pro level audio & lighting

💥  On camera coaching support

💥  Pro level audio & lighting

💥  Music & graphics fully licensed

💥  Pro level audio & lighting

💥  Marketing strategy sessions

Trusted by brands of all sizes

Ignite Cinemas Partners.png


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions more specific to your company’s video production needs?

Schedule a Discovery Call.

  • What is a custom video strategy? 📈
    A Custom Video Strategy is our program for supercharging your existing marketing funnel and sales system with engaging video assets created to use at the key conversion points for your prospects. These strategies typically include a combination of video assets, including a Brand Story Video, Customer Testimonial Videos, along with Process Videos, Service Videos, and “Checkpoint” Videos to keep your prospects engaged, educated, and comfortable all the way through working with you. We look at what you and your team are already doing, and consult on the most efficient ways to enhance your customer journey using videos created specifically for your processes.
  • How do I use it? 💻
    Our Custom Video Strategies are built specifically for your marketing funnel and sales system, based on what you’re already doing. Using your video assets should feel effortless. Some common uses include: “Next Steps” videos automatically sent to prospects when registering for calls / appointments “Introduction” videos sent to customers before a team member arrives for an appointment “Process” videos shown to prospects on registration pages to educate them on what to expect before committing to a call or appointment We work with you and your team to identify opportunities where videos can make the strongest positive impact in your customer journey.
  • Do I need this? 🙋🏻‍♀️
    If your business has no established marketing funnel or sales system in place, you probably don’t need a Custom Video Strategy. You might benefit more from a single specific video asset like a Brand Story Video, or Customer Testimonial Videos. If you have an established process for turning leads, referrals, or cold traffic into customers, you’d probably benefit from a Custom Video Strategy. If you’re on the fence, let’s have a conversation about it. If we feel you don’t need it, we’ll tell it to you straight.
  • Who's the target audience? 🙋🏻‍♀️
    Client testimonial videos are designed to influence and engage potential customers who are in the consideration or decision-making stage of their buying journey. These videos provide social proof, address concerns, and help potential customers envision the benefits and outcomes they can expect by choosing a particular product or service. Client testimonial videos are effective in nurturing prospects and leads, especially those who have already shown interest or interacted with your business in some way. These videos help build credibility, trust, and further validate the value proposition, encouraging prospects to move forward in the sales funnel. While primarily aimed at potential customers, client testimonial videos can also be valuable for existing customers. By showcasing positive experiences and success stories, these videos reinforce customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and encourage repeat business or referrals.
  • How can this help my business? 📈
    Your ideal customers likely have dozens of companies to choose from in your market or industry. Customer testimonial videos can help you make it clear to them that you’re the right choice. The thing is, most people have something holding them back from taking action and contacting you- an objection or hesitation that your existing clients likely had, too. Hearing from others with a similar story does more to build trust in the decision-making process than hearing directly from you. We created a framework to make our customer testimonial videos feel like recommendations from friends, rather than sales pitches from your business.
  • How can I use this video? 💻
    Customer testimonial videos do the heavy lifting of attracting the right clients, earning their trust quickly, and sharing the outcomes they can expect- all before getting on a call or into an appointment. We work with you to determine the key touch points in your marketing funnel and sales systems where adding customer testimonial videos will make the strongest positive impact on conversions. Besides featuring these videos on your website and social media, they can be used in a variety of more direct ways, like email campaigns, QR codes on print media, and quickly accessible social proof for your sales reps. Spend more time doing what you do best, and let the customer testimonial videos go to work for you.
  • What if I don't know which video I need?
    Before ever starting a video project, we make sure we understand how your business operates so we can recommend the videos that will make the most impact for you. All of the top video production companies will create what you want, but we like to stand out by thinking like a digital marketing company- we create what you need.
  • How much does it cost?
    We know the worst thing we can tell you is “it depends”, but it does. Our video production packages range in pricing and are custom tailored to your specific business goals. Schedule a Discovery Call with us to get a custom quote for your video project. Typically, investments for video projects start at $3,500.
  • How long does a video project take?
    From start to finish, most of our video projects with new clients take about 4 weeks to complete. For our clients with ongoing work or multiple videos per project, delivery typically happens much more quickly because we understand exactly what they need.
  • Can you make a video to promote my company?
    There’s a lot of ways to use video to promote your company. Our videos work best when we can build a strategy custom-fit for the way you do business. Schedule a Discovery Call and let’s figure out what we can build for you.
  • Can you help with video strategy?
    We specialize in crafting tailored video strategies. We analyze your business goals, target audience, and industry landscape to devise a comprehensive plan. From content creation to distribution, we ensure your videos resonate and achieve maximum impact. Whether it's brand videos, client testimonials, or social media content, we guide you through every step. Let's collaborate to create a video strategy that drives results and elevates your brand.
  • I edit my own videos. Will this work for me?
    If you're currently editing your own videos, kudos to you because you truly understand the importance and power of short-form videos. IgniteCuts services can still be valuable to you for two reasons: First, if you're new to editing, you may not be aware of all the industry standards and current trends to create compelling content, not to mention the hours it takes to master the craft. Second, for those who are experienced editors, you might find the daily task of editing videos to be a time-consuming task that takes you away from other important business responsibilities. IgniteCuts services can help you free up your time while still ensuring high-quality, engaging video content for your audience.
  • What is your turnaround time?
    We're committed to delivering our best work and meeting deadlines. We'll work closely with you to ensure your content gets the attention it deserves. Typically, you’ll see your first short-form content two workdays after your content gets submitted. Ex. If you submit your content by Sunday evening, you can expect your first video Tuesday.
  • What type of content do you edit?
    We specialize in repurposing your existing videos or creating new, short-form content (vertical video) tailored for social media platforms. To ensure that we can provide you with the maximum amount of content, all final videos are under 90 seconds in length. Please note that there are some editing services we do not offer, including edits longer than 90 seconds, adding voiceovers without a provided recording, animations/cartoons, wedding videos, music videos, vlogs, and full-length video podcast edits.
  • Do my videos roll over the next month?
    Please note that if you fail to upload all of the videos included in your subscription, they will not roll over to the next month.
  • Can you film the video too?
    Yes - that is our Impossible 2 Ignore service where we construct your content strategy, provide you talking points, film your content for ya in a 2 hour session & content is fully edited for you. Ask us in our initial call about availability for this service because it always books FAST!
  • What package is right for me?
    Both of our packages are designed to help businesses and brands increase their visibility and reach with their followers in a relevant way. If you're a growing business, consider our KICKSTART package for consistent, high-quality social media content. If you’re an organization with high demand for video content but don't have the resources for a dedicated video creator, our GROWTH package might be the right fit for you. This will allow you to focus on other priorities while still maintaining a strong content strategy to support your growth.
  • Can I cancel anytime?
    Yes, however we STRONGLY recommend investing a 3 month commitment to IGNITING a strong and flourishing marketing campaign.
  • What platforms will you assist on posting on?
    We have you covered! Our team will assist you in posting on the most popular social media platforms for short-form video content, including Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your content strategy without any worries about anything falling through the cracks.
  • Can I request revisions on my videos?
    With every video upload, you'll receive one free revision. This includes small changes like removing a clip or updating a graphic. (Spelling corrections do not count towards the revision count) However, if you require additional revisions, each one will incur a fee of $25.
  • 1. Pre-Production
    The key to a successful a video project is having a detailed plan. We’ll dive deep with you to learn all of the essentials about your business, story, and target audience.
  • Production
    In Video Production, having an end product that looks and sounds good is the baseline standard. Our goal is to make the production process as efficient and easy as possible so you’re confident and comfortable on camera.
  • Delivery
    We don’t want to just send you a video and say goodbye. We give you the tools to help you utilize the videos within your business.
  • How much does it cost?
    We know the worst thing we can tell you is “it depends”, but it does. A typical range for videos is $1800-$6000 depending on how large the project is and what type of video you need.
  • Who's the target audience? 🙋🏻‍♀️
    Not only is a Brand Story Video a powerful asset for attracting new customers, it's also a great tool to share with your existing clients, your team, and your network to remind them of what your company stands for (and why they should be referring to you). Anyone who needs to learn about your business and brand is the target audience for your Brand Story Video.
  • What is a Brand Story Video? 📈
    A Brand Story Video is a powerful marketing tool that enables companies to communicate their unique identity and values in a way that resonates with their audience. Unlike a traditional “promo video” or ad that focuses on selling products or services, the purpose of Brand Story Videos is to connect with customers emotionally and logically. These videos are specifically designed to showcase who you are, what you offer, why you do it and how you do it for your customers, in the ways that matter most to them. Imagine if you had a video that perfectly explains the way you do business. How much time would that save you from having to explain it to people over and over again?
  • Where do I use it? 💻
    The most effective places to share your video include your website, social media platforms, and embedded in your email signature. By sharing your video on your website, you can provide visitors with an engaging introduction to your brand and increase the time they spend on your site. Sharing your video on social media platforms can help you reach a wider audience and generate buzz around your brand. Finally, embedding your brand story video in your email signature is a simple but effective way to promote your brand and make a lasting impression on anyone you correspond with via email. We strategize with all of our clients on ways they can use their Brand Story Videos specific to their marketing funnels and sales systems.
  • Does the quality of the sermon matter?
    Most social media videos are shot on phones so you don't need expensive gear to create compelling content. The quality of your video is important, but it doesn't need to be over-the-top. We can work with any shots that are close to eye level with your pastor and you are able to understand what the pastor is saying.
  • Will this work if my pastor doesn't want to be too involved?
    Yes! Having your senior pastor active on social media is not only effective but also replicates the in-person gathering experience. However, some pastors may not have the time or skills required for social media. With Ignite Cinemas, your pastor can have a significant presence on social media without putting in any effort.
  • What is your turnaround time?
    We're committed to delivering our best work and meeting deadlines. We'll work closely with you to ensure your content gets the attention it deserves. Typically, you’ll see your first short form content two workdays after your weekly sermon gets submitted. Ex. If you submit your Sunday sermon by the evening, you can expect your first video Tuesday.
  • What platforms will you assist posting on?
    We have you covered! We can provide a fully done for you experience from Sermon Shorts creation to even posting on social media platforms. (at an additional cost) Our team will assist you in posting on the most popular social media platforms for short-form video content, including Instagram Reels, Facebook Reels, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. This allows you to focus on other important aspects of your content strategy without any worries about anything falling through the cracks.
  • How long does a video project take?
    Typically, from start to finish, a Brand Story Video project will take about 4 weeks to complete. This includes an introductory Deep Dive session to learn about your business, your Shoot Day(s), the editing process, and any necessary revisions. Other standalone video projects typically have a similar start-to-finish turnaround time. Projects that include the creation of multiple videos typically have a much faster per-video turnaround time because of our streamlined production processes.
  • Can you make a video to promote my company?
    We absolutely can! But before we ever press record, we need to know the who, what, why, and how of your company. There’s a lot of ways to use video to promote your company. Our videos work best when we can build a strategy custom-fit for the way you do business. The best way to figure out what videos we can make to promote your company is to start with a conversation. Schedule a Discovery Call and let’s figure out what we can build for you.
  • How much does video production cost?
    Like any service-based industry, video production costs vary based on the project. Our projects are designed to create evergreen video assets that will get clients an insane return on investment for 3-5 years at a minimum. We price our video production services to be a no-brainer investment at any point in our typical price range, whether that’s $5,000 or $20,000.
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